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Green China 2019:1st International Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference



主 办 方:Chinese Chemical Society

大会主席:Prof. Buxing Han、Prof. Klaus Kümmerer


联 系 人:Mr. Lidong Han


电  话:+86-10-82449177ext883

会议内容:GreenChina2019 would like to invite leading researchers, students and scientists interested in the Green and Sustainable Chemistry, to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations at the conference on the following topics by June 30, 2019:
Topics include:
 Green catalysis and biocatalysis
 Green reactions, sustainable materials and products
 Energy conversion and storage
 Photochemistry, photocatalysis and photoelectrochemistry
 Utilization of CO2
 Bioresources and utilization of biomass
 Sustainable chemistry in the environment and health
 Green chemical engineering and industry
 Sustainable Chemistry in a Global Perspective