形貌调控下的钴基催化剂制备及其费托反应性能的研究 李晨欣1,索玉钧1, 李广社2,白凤华1,*,苏海全1,* 1内蒙古大学化学化工学院,内蒙古,010021 2吉林大学无机合成与制备化学国家重点实验室,吉林,130012 *Email: haiquansu@yahoo.com 合成气(CO+H2)通过费托合成(F-T合成)催化反应合成高级醇(HAS)是煤炭资源清洁利用的重要途径之一。F-T合成是一种表面催化的结构敏感型催化反应,催化剂活性组分的粒径与暴露晶面等纳米效应对催化活性有很大影响,所以关于催化剂构效关系的研究仍然是学术界与工业界所面临的挑战。Co基催化剂被广泛应用于F-T合成,兼具性质稳定、不易积炭及拥有较好的碳链增长能力等优点。本文以含Co的金属有机框架(ZIF-67)作为前驱体,通过调控热解条件制备了不同形貌的碳材料(饼状、立方与十二面体)并通过添加K盐合成了K为助剂的Co基催化剂(K-Co@NC)。考察了不同形貌催化剂在合成高级醇反应中的催化性能并探讨了提高乙醇选择性的影响因素。 关键词:金属有机框架;钴基催化剂;费托合成 致谢 感谢国家自然科学基金21861029;无机合成与制备化学国家重点实验室(吉林大学)开放课题2019-11;内蒙古自治区稀土材料化学与物理重点实验室。 参考文献 [1] Chen, W.; Lin, T. J.; Dai, Y. Y.; An, Y. L.; Yu, F.; Zhong, L. S.; Li, S. G.; Sun, Y. H. Catalysis Today, 2018, 311, 8-22. [2] Zhang, R.; Wen, G.; Adidharma, H.; Russell, A. G.; Wang, B.; Radosz, M.; Fan, M. ACS Catal.,2017, 7, 8285−8295. [3] Chen, Y.; Li, X.; Mehar,U Nisa.; Lv, J.; Li, Z. H. Fuel, 2019, 241, 802-812. Shape-Controlled Synthesis of Cobalt-Based Catalysts for Higher Alcohol Synthesis from Syngas Chenxin Li1, Yujun Suo1, Guangshe Li2, Fenghua Bai1,*, Haiquan Su1,* College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Inner Mongolia University, Inner Mongolia, 010021 State Key Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis and Preparative Chemistry, Jilin,130012 Higher alcohol synthesis (HAS) by catalytic hydrogenation of CO via the Fischer–Tropsch synthesis (FTS) is one of the important ways to clean utilization of coal resources. It widely accepts that FTS is a surface-catalyzed and structure-sensitive reaction. Its catalytic performance is strongly influenced by the nano-effects of the catalyst, such as the effects of the active phase, particle size, and exposed facets of the active components. Therefore, the structure-performance relationship of those catalysts for HAS is still a challenge for both academia and industry. Co-based catalysts are widely used in F-T synthesis, which has the advantages of stable properties, not easy to deposit carbon, and excellent carbon chain growth ability. Herein, K promoted cobalt catalysts (K-Co@NC) with various morphologies were synthesized by adding K salt to N-doped Co-carbon composites derived from pyrolysis of ZIF-67. The effects of the catalyst particle shape (pie, cube, and dodecahedron), on the performance of K-Co@NC catalysts for HAS, were investigated and how to improve the yield of ethanol effectively was discussed.
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