欢迎 张天为 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 李晓峰 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 彭雨昕 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 宋凯欣 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 刘晓慧 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 沈静 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 郭行民 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 蔡俞海 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 李小平 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 郑毅宪 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 杜逸群 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 方举 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 丁红波 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 陈祥迎 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 陈祥迎 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 吴荞宇 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 郭俊杰 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 方润 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 张博 会员加入中国化学会
欢迎 陈晓芳 会员加入中国化学会
男, 上海交通大学, 教授/研究员/教授级高工或同等级别
1983/9-1988/7: 皖南医学院临床医学学习, 获学士学位(5年制)
1999/9-2000/12: 中国科学技术大学化学系博士学位研究生
1988/7-1999/9: 皖南医学院法医学系(助教、讲师、副教授)
2000/12-2002/6: 中国科技大学化学系 副教授
2002/7-2004/8: 上海交通大学生物工程系 副教授
2004/8-2015/12: 上海交通大学生物工程系 教授(2013年II级)
2016/1-现在: 上海交通大学仪器科学与工程系 终身教授
上海交通大学终身教授、“校医工理交叉重大项目”咨询专家,上海市第六人民医院PI教授,上海市智能医疗工程技术中心副主任。科技部-NSFC国家重大科学仪器设备研发首席科学家,《基础电泳装置》国家标准起草小组成员,清华大学国家重大科学仪器设备专项监理组成员。国际会议APCE2017主席,国际会议eMSB2021电泳芯片分会主席,中国蛋白质组学会常务委员,中国卫生文化协会医工融合分会常委委员。1999-2000年获中国科技大学化学系博士学位,毕业后留校任教化学系;2002年-现在,上海交大任教。应邀担任NSFC、科技部、教育部和上海市等重点重大、科学仪器和863等项目评审验收监理专家,担任JACS, Chem. Sci., Chem. Comm., Biosen.Bioelectron., Anal. Chem.和Lab Chip等二十多种SCI期刊评议人。主持30多项科研项目,包括8项NSFC、1项重点项目、3项重大科学仪器开发(科技部、NSFC和上海市各1项)、1项973重大基础研究子课题、1项863重点支撑项目、1项国家重大新药创制子课。主编《分析生物化学技术》和《生物化学仪器分析基础》。30年来紧紧围绕移动反应界面电泳、聚焦电泳和电泳传感等先后在Biosen Bioelectron., Chem. Comm., Anal. Chem., ACS系列和Lab Chip等发表论文180余篇,申请获得发明专利60项。专利技术已孵化多家技术公司,糖尿病HbA1c、地贫诊断设备试剂和临床酶学POCT正进入临床CFDA报证阶段。
20. L. Chen, Q. Zhang, W. W. Liu, H. Xiao, X. P. Liu, L. Y. Fan, Y. X. Wang, H. G. Li,* C. X. Cao,* Facile and sensitive miRNA electrophoresis titration of moving reaction boundary chip with label-free non-enzymatic amplification, Biosens. Bioelectrons., 2021, 171, 112676.
19. X. J. Wu, Q. H. Meng, Q. Zhang, L. Y. Fan,* H. Xiao, C. X. Cao*, Fluorescent Speed Sensing Model and Boronic Complex Probe for Glycoprotein Assay via a Supramolecular Boundary Electrophoresis, Sens. Actuats. B, 2020, 309, 127773.
18. X. T. Jiang, S. Liu, Y. Zhang, A. Sohai, C. X. Cao,* P. Wang,* H. Xiao,* Free-flow Isoelectric Focusing for Comprehensive Separation and Analysis of Human Salivary Microbiome for Lung Cancer, Anal. Chem., 2020, 92, 12017-12025.
17. H. Kong, W. W. Liu, W. Zhang, Q. Zhang, C. H. Wang, M. I. Khan, Y. X. Wang,* L. Y. Fan,* C. X. Cao,* A Facile, Rapid and Low-cost Electrophoresis Titration of Thrombin by Aptamer-linked Magnetic Nanoparticle and Redox Boundary Chip, ACS App. Mat. Inter., 2019, 11, 29549-29556.
16. Q. Zhang, W. W. Liu, M. Idrees Khan, C. H. Wang, G. Q. Li, H. Xiao, Y. X. Wang,* C. X. Cao,* Facile Counting of Ligands Capped on Nanoparticles via a Titration Chip of Moving Reaction Boundary Electrophoresis, Anal. Chem., 2019, 91, 7500-7504.
15. C. H. Wang, Q. Zhang, X. P. Liu, G. Q. Li, H. Kong, M. I. Khan, H. Xiao, Y. X. Wang*, W. W. Liu*, C. X. Cao*, Double inner standard plot model of electrophoresis titration chip for portable and green protein content assay of milk, Lab Chip, 2019, 19, 484–492.
14. M. I. Khan, Q. Zhang, S. Saud, S. R. Liu, Y. X. Wang, H. Kong, C. H. Wang, A. Uzzaman, L. Y. Fan, H. Xiao, C. X. Cao*, Portable electrophoresis titration chip model for sensing of uric acid in urine and blood by moving reaction boundary, Sens. Actuats. B, 2019, 286, 9-15.
13. F. Z. Kong, S. Jahan, R. Zhong, X. Y. Cao, W. L. Li, Y. X. Wang*, H. Xiao, W. W. Liu*, C. X. Cao*, Electrophoresis titration model of a moving redox boundary chip for a point-of-care test of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ACS Sens., 2019, 4, 126–133.
12. X. Y. Cao, F. Z. Kong, Q. Zhang, W. W. Liu, X. P. Liu, G. Q. Li, R. Zhong, L. Y. Fan,* H. Xiao, C. X. Cao,* iPhone-imaged and cell-powered electrophoresis titration chip for the alkaline phosphatase assay in serum by the moving reaction boundary, Lab Chip, 2018, 18, 1758-1766.
11. W. L. Li, Q. Zhang, H. Kong, X. P. Liu, M. I. Khan, A. Wahid, S. Saud, Hua Xiao, C. X Cao,* L. Y. Fan,* A simple chip electrophoresis titration of neutralization boundary with EDTA photocatalysis for distance-based sensing of melamine in dairy product, Anal. Chem., 2018, 90, 6710-6717.
10. Z. Liu, Z. J. Xiao, L. Y. Fan, H. Xiao,* C. X. Cao,* An ionic coordination hybrid hydrogel for bioseparation, Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 5842-5845.
9. Y. C. He, F. Z. Kong, L. Y. Fan, J. Y. Wu, X. P. Liu, J. Li, Y. Sun, Q. Zhang, Y. Yang, X. J. Wu, H. Xiao,* C. X. Cao,* Preparation of intact mitochondria using free-flow isoelectri c focusing with post-pH gradient sample injection for morphological, functional and proteomics studies, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2017, 982, 200-208.
8. S. Jahan, Q. Zhang, A. Pratush, H. Y. Xie, H. Xiao, L. Y. Fan, C. X. Cao,* In-vial temperature gradient headspace single drop microextraction designed by multi-physics simulation, Anal. Chem., 2016, 88, 10490–10498.
7. R. Zhong, H. Y. Xie, Q. Zhang, S. Jahan, H. Xiao, L. Y. Fan, C. X. Cao,* Enzyme catalysis-electrophoresis titration for multiplex enzymatic assay via moving reaction boundary chip, Lab Chip , 2016, 16, 3538-3547.
6. Z. Liu, L. Y. Fan, H. Xiao,* C. X. Cao,* Multiple covalent crosslink soft hydrogels for bioseparation, Chem. Commun. , 2016, 52, 3247-3250.
5. X. Zhang, Y. R. Cao, H. Xiao, X. P. Liu, S. R. Liu, Q. H. Meng, L. Y. Fan,* C. X. Cao,* Leverage principle of retardation signal in titration of double protein via chip moving reaction boundary electrophoresis, Biosens. Bioelectrons., 2016, 77, 284-291.
4. Z. Liu, L. Y. Fan, H. Xiao,* C. X. Cao,* Multiple covalent crosslink soft hydrogels for bioseparation, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 3247-3250.
3. Q. H. Meng,* T. Han, G. Q. Wang, N. Zheng, C. X. Cao,* S. A. Xie, Preparation of a natural dye doped ormosil coating for the detection of formaldehyde in the optical gas sensor, Sens. Actuats. B, 2014, 196, 238–244.
2. H. Y. Wang, Y. T. Shi, J. Yan, J. Y. Dong, S. Li, H. Xiao, H. Y. Xie, L. Y. Fan,* C. X. Cao* A retardation signal for fluorescent determination of total protein content via rapid and sensitive chip moving reaction boundary electrophoretic titration, Anal. Chem., 2014, 86, 2888-2894.
1. J. Y. Dong, S. Li, H. Y. Wang, Q. H. Meng, L. Y. Fan, H. Y. Xie, C. X. Cao,* W. B. Zhang,* A simple boric acid-based fluorescent focusing for sensing of gluc ose and glycoprotein via multipath moving supramolecular boundary electrophoresis chip, Anal. Chem., 2013, 85, 5884-5891.