
欢迎 樊炤川 会员加入中国化学会
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男, 南开大学化学系, 教授/研究员/教授级高工或同等级别


1994.09-1998.07, 南开大学化学系, 本科学生
1998.09-2003.07, 南开大学化学学院, 分析化学博士生, 导师: 沈含熙
2003.07-2004.12, 南开大学化学学院, 讲师
2005.01-2009.12, 南开大学化学学院, 副教授
2010.01至今, 南开大学化学学院, 教授




多年来一直从事生物传感和生物成像方面的研究工作,设计了多种基于DNA的生物传感新技术、新方法,实现了血清、细胞等实际生物样品中多种疾病相关的生物靶标(包括 DNA、microRNA、端粒酶、尿嘧啶 DNA 糖基化酶、限制性核酸内切酶、甲基转移酶、细菌、病毒及循环肿瘤细胞等)的高灵敏、高特异性定量检测。对多种纳米材料(如石墨烯、MOFs、磁性纳米粒子及金属纳米簇)在生物传感和生物成像中的应用研究进行了成功的探索,设计、制备了生物稳定性高、靶向识别能力强的荧光纳米探针及纳米载药体系,实现了疾病标志物的高灵敏检测、肿瘤细胞的靶向光学成像和诊疗一体化研究。构建了高度集成化的、自我驱动的DNA步行者纳米机器,首次实现了DNA步行者分子机器在活体中的应用研究等。
作为项目负责人,承担国家自然科学基金项目6项,重点研发计划子课题项目1项,天津市自然科学基金项目3项。作为通讯联系人,共有90余篇研究论文在“Nucleic Acids Research” 、“Chemical Science”、“Analytical Chemistry”、“Chemistry - A European Journal”、“Chemical Communications”、 “Biosensor & Bioelectronics”等国内外重要期刊上发表,授权发明专利3项。作为第二完成人获2008年度天津市自然科学二等奖;获2010年度中国化学会青年化学奖;入选2010年度教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划; 2013年入选天津市131第二层次人才;2014年获国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金资助。现担任Scientific Reports杂志编委,《高等学校化学学报》青年编委。


1. Yi-Chen Du, Si-Yuan Wang, Xiao-Yu Li, Ya-Xin Wang, An-Na Tang, De-Ming Kong*, Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-activated nicking enzyme amplification reaction for specific and sensitive detection of DNA methyltransferase and polynucleotide kinase. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2019, 145, 111700.
2. Jing Wang, Dong-Xia Wang, Jia-Yi Ma, Ya-Xin Wang, De-Ming Kong*, Three-dimensional DNA nanostructures to improve the hyperbranched hybridization chain reaction. Chemical Science, 2019, 10, 9758-9767.
3. Jing Zhang, Yun-Xi Cui, Xue-Nan Feng, Meng Cheng, An-Na Tang*, De-Ming Kong*, pH-controlled intracellular in situ reversible assembly of photothermal agent for smart chemo-photothermal synergetic therapy and ATP imaging. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 39624-39632
4. Dong-Xia Wang, Jing Wang, Yun-Xi Cui, Ya-Xin Wang, An-Na Tang, De-Ming Kong*, Nanolantern-based DNA probe and signal amplifier for tumor-related biomarker detection in living cells. Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91, 13165-13173.
5. Yu-Peng Zhang, Yun-Xi Cui, Xiao-Yu Li, Yi-Chen Du, An-Na Tang, De-Ming Kong*, A modified exponential amplification reaction (EXPAR) with an improved signal-to-noise ratio for ultrasensitive detection of polynucleotide kinase. Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 7611-7614.
6. Yun-Xi Cui, Xue-Nan Feng, Xiao-Yu Li, Yu-Peng Zhang, An-Na Tang, De-Ming Kong*, Trifunctional integrated DNA-based universal sensing platform for detection of diverse biomolecules in one-pot isothermal exponential amplification mode. Chemical Communications, 2019, 55, 7603-7606.
7. Xiao-Yu Li, Yun-Xi Cui, Yi-Chen Du, An-Na Tang, De-Ming Kong*, Label-free telomerase detection in single cell using a five-base telomerase product-triggered exponential rolling circle amplification strategy. ACS Sensors, 2019, 4, 1090-1096.
8. Guo-Ying Sun, Yi-Chen Du, Yun-Xi Cui, Jing Wang, Xiao-Yu Li, An-Na Tang, De-Ming Kong*, Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-catalyzed preparation of pH-responsive DNA nanocarriers for tumor-targeted drug delivery and therapy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 14684-14692.
9. Meng Cheng, Yun-Xi Cui, Jing Wang, Jing Zhang, Li-Na Zhu,* De-Ming Kong*, G‑quadruplex/porphyrin composite photosensitizer: A facile way to promote absorption redshift and photodynamic therapy efficacy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 13158-13167.
10. Jing Wang, Dong-Xia Wang, An-Na Tang, De-Ming Kong*, Highly integrated, biostable, and self-powered DNA motor enabling autonomous operation in living bodies. Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91, 5244-5251.
11. Bin Yuan, Dong-Xia Wang, Li-Na Zhu*, Yan-Long Lan, Meng Cheng, Li-Ming Zhang, Jun-Qing Chu, Xiao-Zeng Li*, De-Ming Kong*, Dinuclear HgII tetracarbene complex-triggered aggregation-induced emission for rapid and selective sensing of Hg2+ and organomercury species. Chemical Science, 2019, 10, 4220-4226.
12. Yun-Xi Cui, Xue-Nan Feng, Ya-Xin Wang, Hui-Yu Pan, De-Ming Kong*, An integrated-molecular-beacon based multiple exponential strand displacement amplification strategy for ultrasensitive detection of DNA methyltransferase activity. Chemical Science, 2019, 10, 2290-2297.
13. Qiu-Ge Zhao, Jing Wang, Yu-Peng Zhang, Jing Zhang, An-Na Tang*, De-Ming Kong*, A ZnO-gated porphyrinic metal–organic framework-based drug delivery system for targeted bimodal cancer therapy. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2018, 6, 7898-7907.
14. Xiao-Yu Li, Yi-Chen Du, Yan-Nian Pan, Li-Li Su, Shuo Shi, Si-Yuan Wang, An-Na Tang, Kwangil Kim, De-Ming Kong*, Dual enzyme-assisted one-step isothermal real-time amplification assay for ultrasensitive detection of polynucleotide kinase activity. Chemical Communications, 2018, 54, 13841-13844.
15. Yi-Chen Du, Yun-Xi Cui, Xiao-Yu Li, Guo-Ying Sun, Yu-Peng Zhang, An-Na Tang, Kwangil Kim, De-Ming Kong*, Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase and T7 exonuclease-aided amplification strategy for ultrasensitive detection of uracil-DNA glycosylase. Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90, 8629-8634.
16. Yongpeng Yao, Shanshan Li, Jiaqian Cao, Weiwei Liu, Keqiang Fan, Wensheng Xiang, Keqian Yang*, Deming Kong*, Weishan Wang*, Development of small molecule biosensors by coupling the recognition of the bacterial allosteric transcription factor with isothermal strand displacement amplification. Chemical Communications, 2018, 54, 4774-4777.
17. Hong-Xin Jiang, Ya-Ping Xu, Li-Hong Dai, Xiao-Wei Liu*, De-Ming Kong*, Ultrasensitive, label-free detection of T4 ligase and T4 polynucleotide kinase based on target-triggered hyper-branched rolling circle amplification. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemistry, 2018, 260, 70-77.
18. Yi-Chen Du, Yan-Jun Zhu, Xiao-Yu Li, De-Ming Kong*, Amplified detection of genome-containing biological targets using terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-assisted rolling circle amplification. Chemical Communications, 2018, 54, 682-685.
19. Yan-Jun Zhu, Wen-Jing Li, Zhang-Yong Hong, An-Na Tang, De-Ming Kong*, Stable, polyvalent aptamer-conjugated near infrared fluorescent nanocomposite for high-performance cancer cell-targeted imaging and therapy. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2017, 5, 9229-9237.
20. Xiao-Yu Li, Yi-Chen Du, Yu-Peng Zhang, De-Ming Kong*, Dual functional Phi29 DNA polymerase-triggered exponential rolling circle amplification for sequence-specific detection of target DNA embedded in long stranded genomic DNA. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 6263
21. Juan Huang, Xiao-Yu Li, Yi-Chen Du, Li-Na Zhang, Ke-Ke Liu, Li-Na Zhu*, De-Ming Kong*, Sensitive fluorescent detection of DNA methyltransferase using nicking endonuclease-mediated multiple primers-like rolling circle amplification. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017, 91, 417-423.
22. Wei Li, Xue Qi, Chao-Yue Zhao, Xiu-Fang Xu, An-Na Tang, De-Ming Kong*, A rapid and facile detection for small-sized amino acids based on targets-triggered destruction of metal organic frameworks. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 236-243.
23. Gui-Mei Han, Zhen-Zhen Jia, Yan-Jun Zhu, Jia-Jia Jiao, De-Ming Kong*, Xi-Zeng Feng*, Biostable L‑DNA-templated aptamer-silver nanoclusters for cell-type-specific imaging at physiological temperature. Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88, 10800-10804.
24. Hong-Xi Jiang, Zhen-Zhen Liang, Yan-Hong Ma, De-Ming Kong*, Zhang-Yong Hong*, G-quadruplex fluorescent probe-mediated real-time rolling circle amplification strategy for highly sensitive microRNA detection. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2016, 943, 114-122.
25. Yi-Chen Du, Li-Na Zhu, De-Ming Kong*, Label-free thioflavin T/G-quadruplex-based real-time strand displacement amplification for biosensing applications. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016, 86, 811-817.
26. Yan-Fang Huo, Li-Na Zhu*, Xiao-Yu Li, Gui-Mei Han, De-Ming Kong*, Water soluble cationic porphyrin showing pH-dependent optical responses to G-quadruplexes: Applications in pH-sensing and DNA logic gate. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemistry, 2016, 237, 179-189.
27. Gui-Mei Han, Hong-Xin Jiang, Yan-Fang Huo, De-Ming Kong*, Simple synthesis of amino acid-functionalized hydrophilic upconversion nanoparticles capped with both carboxyl and amino groups for bimodal imaging. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2016, 4, 3351-3357.
28. Xiao-Yu Li, Juan Huang, Hong-xin Jiang, Yi-Chen Du, Gui-Mei Han, De-Ming Kong*, Molecular logic gates based on DNA tweezers responsive to multiplex restriction endonucleases. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 38315-38320.
29. Yunxi Cui, De-Ming Kong*, Chiran Ghimire, Cuixia Xu, Hanbin Mao*, Mutually exclusive formation of G‑quadruplex and i‑motif is a general phenomenon governed by steric hindrance in duplex DNA. Biochemistry, 2016, 55, 2291-2299.
30. Gui-Mei Han, Hui Li, Xiao-Xi Huang, De-Ming Kong*, Simple synthesis of carboxyl-functionalized upconversion nanoparticles for biosensing and bioimaging applications. Talanta, 2016, 147, 207-212.
31. Yi-Chen Du, Hong-Xin Jiang, Yan-Fang Huo, Gui-Mei Han, De-Ming Kong*, Optimization of strand displacement amplification-sensitized G-quadruplex DNAzyme-based sensing system and its application in activity detection of uracil-DNA glycosylase. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016, 77, 971-977.
32. Hong-Xin Jiang, Meng-Yao Zhao, Chen-Di Niu, De-Ming Kong*, Real-time monitoring of rolling circle amplification using aggregation-induced emission: applications in biological detection. Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 16518-16521.
33. Qi Zhang, Yan-Chen Liu, De-Ming Kong*, Dong-Sheng Guo*, Tetraphenylethene derivatives with different numbers of positively charged side arms have different multimeric G-quadruplex recognition specificity. Chemistry-A European Journal, 2015, 21, 13253-13260.
34. Qi Zhang, Chan Song, Ting Zhao, Hai-Wei Fu, Hui-Zhen Wang, Yong-Jian Wang, De-Ming Kong*, Photoluminescent sensing for acidic amino acids based on the disruption of graphene quantum dots/europium ions aggregates. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 65, 204-210.
35. Chan Song, Guan-Yao Wang, De-Ming Kong*, A facile fluorescence method for versatile biomolecular detection based on pristine α-Fe2O3 nanoparticle-induced fluorescence quenching. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 68, 239-244.
36. Hong-Xin Jiang, Yunxi Cui, Ting Zhao, Hai-Wei Fu, Deepak Koirala, Jibin Abraham Punnoose, De-Ming Kong*, Hanbin Mao*, Divalent cations and molecular crowding buffers stabilize G-triplex at physiologically relevant temperatures. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 9255.
37. Hui Li, Hai-Wei Fu, Ting Zhao, De-Ming Kong*, Simple, PCR-free telomerase activity detection using G-quadruplex–hemin DNAzyme. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 6475-6480.
38. Ting Zhao, Ya-Ling Wang, Li-Na Zhu, Yan-Fang Huo, Yong-Jian Wang, De-Ming Kong*, A water-soluble cationic porphyrin showing pH-dependent G-quadruplex recognition specificity and DNA photocleavage activity. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 47709-47717.
39. Xiao-Xi Huang, Li-Na Zhu, Bin Wu, Yan-Fang Huo, Na-Na Duan, De-Ming Kong*, Two cationic porphyrin isomers showing different multimeric G-quadruplex recognition specificity against monomeric G-quadruplexes. Nucleic Acids Research, 2014, 42, 8719-8731.
40. Hong-Xin Jiang, De-Ming Kong*, Han-Xi Shen, Amplified detection of DNA ligase and polynucleotide kinase/phosphatase on the basis of enrichment of catalytic G-quadruplex DNAzyme by rolling circle amplification. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2014, 55, 133-138.
41. Chan Song, Guan-Yao Wang, Hui-Zhen Wang, Yong-Jian Wang, De-Ming Kong*, Applications of porous organic frameworks (POFs) in detection of nucleic acid and exonuclease I activity. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2014, 2, 1549-1556.
42. Chan Song, Qi Zhang, Gui-Mei Han, Yi-Chen Du, De-Ming Kong*, A facile fluorescence method for endonuclease detection using exonuclease III-aided signal amplification of a molecular beacon. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 53993-53998.
43. Yang Cai, Nan Li, De-Ming Kong*, Han-Xi Shen, Fluorogenic substrate screening for G-quadruplex DNAzyme-based sensors. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2013, 49, 312-317.
44. Hui Li, Xiao-Xi Huang, De-Ming Kong*, Han-Xi Shen, Yue Liu, Ultrasensitive, high temperature and ionic strength variation-tolerant Cu2+ fluorescent sensor based on reconstructed Cu2+-dependent DNAzyme/substrate complex. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2013, 42, 225-228.
45. De-Ming Kong*, Factors influencing the performance of G-quadruplex DNAzyme-based sensors. Methods, 2013, 64, 199-204.(IF=3.645)
46. Hui Li, Xiao-Xi Huang, Yang Cai, Hao-Jie Xiao, Qiu-Fen Zhang, De-Ming Kong*, PLoS ONE, 2013, e73012.
47. Qi Zhang, De-Ming Kong*, A general fluorescent sensor design strategy for "turn-on" activity detection of exonucleases and restriction endonucleases based on graphene oxide. Analyst, 2013, 138, 6437-6444.
48. Hui Li, Tian-Yi Ma, De-Ming Kong*, Zhong-Yong Yuan. Mesoporous phosphonate-TiO2 nanoparticles for simultaneous bioresponsive sensing and controlled drug release. Analyst, 2013, 138, 1084-1090.
49. Qi Zhang, Yang Cai, Hui Li, De-Ming Kong*, Han-Xi Shen, Sensitive dual DNAzymes-based sensors designed by grafting self-blocked G-quadruplex DNAzymes to the substrates of metal ion-triggered DNA/RNA-cleaving DNAzymes. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2012, 38, 331-336.
50. Hao-Jie Xiao, Ho Chol Ho, De-Ming Kong*, Han-Xi Shen, Sequence-specific detection of nucleic acids utilizing isothermal enrichment of G-quadruplex DNAzymes. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2012, 729, 67-72.
51. Shu-Min Jia, Xiao-Fei Liu, De-Ming Kong*, Han-Xi Shen, A simple, post-additional antioxidant capacity assay using adenosine triphosphate-stabilized 2,2′-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiozoline)-6- sulfonic acid (ABTS) radical cation in a G-quadruplex DNAzyme catalyzed ABTS-H2O2 system. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2012, 35, 407-412.
52. Hui Li, Qi Zhang, Yang Cai, De-Ming Kong*, Han-Xi Shen, Single-stranded DNAzyme-based Pb2+ fluorescent sensor that can work well over a wide temperature range. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2012, 34, 159-164.
53. Na Wang, De-Ming Kong*, Han-Xi Shen, Amplification of G-quadruplex DNAzymes using PCR-like temperature cycles for specific nucleic acid and single nucleotide polymorphism detection. Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 1728-1730.
54. Shu-Min Jia, Xiao-Fei Liu, Ping Li, De-Ming Kong*, Han-Xi Shen, G-quadruplex DNAzyme-based Hg2+ and cysteine sensors utilizing Hg2+-mediated oligonucleotide switching. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2011, 27, 148-152.
55. Xue-Hui Zhou, De-Ming Kong*, Han-Xi Shen, Ag+ and cysteine quantitation based on G-quadruplex-hemin DNAzymes disruption by Ag+. Analytical Chemistry, 2010, 82, 789-793.
56. De-Ming Kong*, Jing Xu, Han-Xi Shen, Positive effects of ATP on G-quadruplex-Hemin DNAzyme-mediated reactions. Analytical Chemistry, 2010, 82, 6148-6153.
57. Jun-Hong Guo, De-Ming Kong*, Han-Xi Shen, Design of a fluorescent D NA IMPLICATION logic gate and detection of Ag+ and cysteine with triphenyl- methane dye/G-quadruplex complexes. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2010, 26, 327-332.
58. Xue-Hui Zhou, De-Ming Kong*, Han-Xi Shen, G-quadruplex–hemin DNAzyme-amplified colorimetric detection of Ag+ ion. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010, 678, 124-127.
59. De-Ming Kong*, Wei Yang, Jing Wu, Chen-Xi Li, Han-Xi Shen, Structure–function study of peroxidase-like G-quadruplex-hemin complexes. Analyst, 2010, 135, 321-326.
60. De-Ming Kong*, Li-Li Cai, Han-Xi Shen, Quantitative detection of Ag+ and cysteine using G-quadruplex-hemin DNAzymes. Analyst, 2010, 135,1253-1258.
61. De-Ming Kong*, Na Wang, Xiao-Xuan Guo, Han-Xi Shen, ‘Turn-on’ detection of Hg2+ ion using a peroxidase-like split G-quadruplex-hemin DNAzyme. Analyst, 2010, 135, 545-549.
62. De-Ming Kong*, Yong-E Ma, Jing Wu, Han-Xi Shen, Discrimination of G-quadruplexes with duplex and single-stranded DNAs by fluorescence and energy transfer fluorescence spectra of crystal violet. Chemistry-A European Journal, 2009, 15, 901-909.
63. De-Ming Kong*, Jun-Hong Guo, Wei Yang, Yong-E Ma, Han-Xi Shen, Crystal violet-G-quadruplex complexes as fluorescent sensors for homogeneous detection of potassium ion. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2009, 25, 88-93.
64. De-Ming Kong*, Jing Wu, Na Wang, Wei Yang, Han-Xi Shen, Peroxidase activity–structure relationship of the intermolecular four-stranded G-quadruplex–hemin complexes and their application in Hg2+ ion detection. Talanta, 2009, 80, 459-465.
65. Jun-Hong Guo, Li-Na Zhu, De-Ming Kong*, Han-Xi Shen, Triphenylmethane dyes as fluorescent probes for G-quadruplex recognition. Talanta, 2009, 80, 607-613.
66. De-Ming Kong*, Yong-E Ma, Jun-Hong Guo, Wei Yang, Han-Xi Shen, Fluorescent sensor for monitoring structural changes of G-quadruplexes and detection of potassium ion. Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 81, 2678-2684.
67. De-Ming Kong*, Jing Wu, Yong-E Ma, Han-Xi Shen, A new method for the study of G-quadruplex ligands. Analyst, 2008, 133, 1158-1160.
68. De-Ming Kong*, Jiao Wang, Li-Na Zhu, Ya-Wei Jin, Xiao-Zeng Li, Han-Xi Shen, Huai-Feng Mi, Oxidative DNA cleavage by Schiff base tetraazamacrocyclic oxamido nickel(II) complexes. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2008, 102, 824-832.
69. De-Ming Kong*, Ya-Wei Jin, Yu-Ji Yin, Huai-Feng Mi, Han-Xi Shen, Real-time PCR detection of telomerase activity using specific molecular beacon probes. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2007, 388, 699-709.
70. De-Ming Kong, Yan-Ping Huang, Hui Li, Han-Xi Shen*, Huai-Feng Mi, Use of duplex probes-simulating TaqMan to detect hepatitis B virus, New Journal of Chemistry, 2003, 27, 721-726.
71. De-Ming Kong, Yan-Ping Huang, Xiao-Bin Zhang, Han-Xi Shen*, Huai-Feng Mi, Duplex probes: a new approach for the detection of specific nucleic acids in homogenous assays, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2003, 491, 135-143
72. De-Ming Kong, Long Gu, Han-Xi Shen*, Huai-Feng Mi, A modified molecular beacon combining the properties of TaqMan probe. Chemical Communications, 2002, (8), 854-855.
73. De-Ming Kong, Long Gu, Han-Xi Shen*, Huai-Feng Mi, Simulation of TaqMan by two single-labelld probes, Chemical Communications, 2002, (21), 2584-2585.
