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男, 北京化工大学化学工程学院, 教授/研究员/教授级高工或同等级别
2003-2008年加拿大Laval大学化工系,博士后,Research Associate
教授,博士生导师,教育部新世纪优秀人才,国家863项目首席专家,能源环境催化北京市重点实验室主任、北京化工大学人才引进办公室主任、中国能源学会能源与环境专业委员会副主任。目前主要从事微/介孔分子筛与超细复合氧化物催化剂脱除工业挥发性含氮(HCN、丙烯腈、乙腈等)、含氯有机废气、NOx、N2O及居室甲醛、臭氧等的研究。先后主持国家863计划项目、中央高校“优势学科新增长点”提升计划项目、双一流学科平台建设重点项目、国家自然科学基金等。已在国际权威期刊Chem. Rev.,ES&T,J. Catal.,Appl. Catal. B,Chem. Common.,J. Mater. Chem. A等发表SCI论文100余篇。参编英文专著3部,受邀为科学出版社撰写题为《典型化工废气催化治理的科学基础与工程》专著,关于“典型氮氧化物催化脱除的科学与工程基础” 的研究成果,以第一完成人获教育部自然科学二等奖。
1. H. Wang, J. Jia, S. Liu, H. Chen, Y. Wei, Z. Wang, L. Zheng, Z. Wang, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, Highly efficient NO abatement over Cu-ZSM-5 with special nanosheet feature, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.0c08684. (IF=7.864)
2. Y. Shan, J. Du, Y. Zhang, W. Shan, X. Shi, Y. Yu, R. Zhang (张润铎), X. Meng, F. Xiao, H. He*, Selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3: opportunities and challenges of Cu-based small-pore zeolites, National Sci. Rev. 2021, https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwab010.
3. X. Li, J. Ma*, C. Zhang, R. Zhang (张润铎), H. He, Detrimental role of residual surface acid ions on ozone decomposition over Ce-modified gamma-MnO2 under humid conditions, J. Environ. Sci., 91 (2020) 43-53. (IF=4.302)
4. H. Chen, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, W. Bao, H. Wang, Y. Wei, Encapsulating uniform Pd nanoparticles in TS-1 zeolite as efficient catalyst for catalytic abatement of indoor formaldehyde at room temperature, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 278 (2020) 119311. (IF=16.683)
5. M. Li, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, H. Wang, H. Chen, Y. Wei, Role of the exposure facets upon diverse morphologies of cobalt spinels on catalytic deN2O process, Catal. Today, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2020.06.042. (IF=5.825)
6. H. Wang, B. Peng, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, Synergies of Mn oxidative ability and ZSM-5 acidity for 1, 2-dichloroethane catalytic elimination, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 276 (2020) 118922. (IF=16.683)
7. X. Wang, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, H. Wang, Y. Wei, Strategy on Effective Synthesis of SSZ-13 zeolite aiming at outstanding performances for NH3-SCR process, Catal. Surv. Asia, 24 (2020) 143-155. (IF=2.194)
8. W. Bao, H. Chen, H. Wang, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, Y. Wei, L. Zheng, Pt Nanoparticles Supported on N-/Ce-Doped Activated Carbon for the catalytic oxidation of formaldehyde at room temperature, ACS Appl. Nano Mat., 3 (2020) 2614-2624.
9. H. Wang, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, Y. Wei, W. Y. Teoh, Selective catalytic oxidation of ammonia over different topologies nano Cu/zeolites, Environ. Sci. Nano, 7 (2020) 1399-1414. (IF=7.683)
10. S. Liu, H. Wang, Y. Wei, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, Core-shell structure effect on CeO2 and TiO2 supported WO3 for the NH3-SCR process, Mol. Catal., 485 (2020) 110822. (IF=3.687)
11. Zhou-jun Wang*, R. Zhang (张润铎), Z. Lei, Claude Descorme, Michael S. Wong, New Opportunities and Challenges in Energy and Environmental Catalysis (EEST2018), Catal Today, 339 (2020) 1-2. (IF=5.825)
12. S. Liu, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, P. Li, H. Chen, Y. Wei*, Z. Wang, X. Liang, Morphology effect of diverse ceria with active tungsten species on NH3-SCR behaviors, Catal. Today, 339 (2020) 241-253. (IF=5.825)
13. H. Chen, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, W. Bao, H. Wang, Z. Wang, Y. Wei*, Effective catalytic abatement of indoor formaldehyde at room temperature over TS-1 supported platinum with relatively low content, Catal. Today, 355 (2020) 547-554. (IF=5.825)
14. H. Wang, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, P. Li, S. Royer, J. Dacquin*, Mechanistic insight on the methanol SCR of NO reaction over Cu-containing perovskites, J. Catal. 377 (2019) 480-493. (IF=7.888)
15. S. Liu, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, H. Wang, Y. Wei, S. Royer*. Morphology oriented ZrO2 supported vanadium oxide for NH3-SCR process: importance of structural and textural properties. ACS Appl. Mat. Inter., 11 (2019) 22240-22254. (IF=8.758)
16. N. Liu, D. Shi, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, Y. Li, B. Chen, Highly selective catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile towards nitrogen over Cu-modified zeolites, Catal. Today, 332 (2019) 201-213. (IF=5.825)
17. H. Wang, R. Xu, Y. Jin, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, Zeolite structure effects on Cu active center, SCR performance and stability of Cu-zeolite catalysts, Catal. Today, 327 (2019) 295-307. (IF=5.825)
18. Yutong Lin, Ying Wei*, Ling Zhang, Ke Guo, Miao Wang, Pengfei Huang, Xiangzhi Meng, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, Facile ionothermal synthesis of SAPO-LTA zeotypes with high structural stability and their catalytic performance in MTO reaction, Micropro. Mesopro. Mat. 288 (2019) 109611-109617. (IF=4.551)
19. S. Liu, H. Wang, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, Y. Wei*, Synergistic effect of niobium and ceria on anatase for low-temperature NH3-SCR of NO process, Mol. Catal., 478 (2019) 110563. (IF=3.687)
20. X Li, J. Ma*, L. Yang, G. He*, C. Zhang*, R. Zhang (张润铎), H. He, Oxygen vacancies induced by transition metal doping in γ-MnO2 for highly efficient ozone decomposition, Environ. Sci. Technol., 52 (2018) 12685-12696. (IF=7.864)
21. B. Peng, C. Feng, S. Liu, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, Synthesis of CuO catalyst derived from HKUST-1 temple for the low-temperature NH3-SCR process, Catal. Today, 314 (2018) 122-128. (IF=5.825)
22. N. Liu, X. Yuan, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, Y. Li, B. Chen, Mechanistic insight into selective catalytic combustion of HCN over Cu-BEA: influence of different active center structures, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19 (2017) 23960-23970. (IF=3.430)
23. J. A. H. Dreyer*, P. Li, L, Zhang, G. K. Beh, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, P. H..-L. Sit, W. Y. Teoh, Influence of the oxide support reducibility on the CO2 methanation over Ru-based catalysts, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 219 (2017) 715-726. (IF=16.683)
24. P. Li, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, N. Liu, S. Royer, Efficiency of Cu and Pd substitution in Fe-based perovskites to promote N2 formation during NH3 selective catalytic oxidation (NH3-SCO), Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 203 (2017) 174-188. (IF=16.683)
25. P. Li, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, X. Wang, S. Liu, N. Liu, B. Chen, New evidence on the correlation between lattice fringe with catalytic performance for suprafacial CO and intrafacial CH4 oxidations over Co3O4 by isotopic 18O2 exchange, Mol. Catal., 437 (2017) 26-36. (IF=3.687)
26. N. Liu, X. Yuan, B. Chen, Y. Li, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, Selective Catalytic Combustion of Hydrogen Cyanide over Metal Modified Zeolite Catalysts: from Experiment to Theory, Catal. Today, 297 (2017) 201-210. (IF=5.825)
27. N. Liu, X. Yuan, R. Zhang (张润铎),* R. Xu, Y. L, Mechanistic insight into selective catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile (C2H3CN): NCO formation and its further transformation towards N2, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19 (2017) 7971-7979. (IF=3.430)
28. Y. He, S. Dui, J. Li, R. Zhang (张润铎), X. Liang, B. Chen, Mesoporous Au/CeO2 catalysts self-assembled by monodispersed CeO2 nanoparticles and nanocubes and the study of crystal plane effect for low-temperature water-gas shift reaction, ChemCatChem, 9 (2017) 1-14. (IF=4.853)
29. R. Zhang (张润铎), N. Liu, B. Chen*, Z. Lei, Selective transformation of various nitrogen-containing exhaust gases towards N2 over the zeolite-based catalysts, Chem. Rev., 116 (2016) 3658-3721. (IF=52.758) Cover Review
30. R. Zhang (张润铎)*, P. Li, R. Xiao, N. Liu, B. Chen, Insight into the mechanism of catalytic combustion of acrylonitrile over Cu-doped perovskites by an experimental and theoretical study, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 196 (2016) 142-154. (IF=16.683)
31. R. Zhang (张润铎), K. Hedjazi, B. Chen, Y. Li, Z. Lei, N. Liu*, M(Fe, Co)-BEA washcoated honeycomb cordierite for N2O direct decomposition, Catal. Today, 273 (2016) 273-285. (IF=5.825)
32. R. Xu, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, N. Liu, B. Chen, S. Zhang*, Template design and economical strategy for the synthesis of SSZ-13 (CHA-Type) zeolite as an excellent catalyst for the selective catalytic reduction of NOx by ammonia, ChemCatChem, 7 (2015) 3842-3847. (IF=4.853) Cover Paper
33. R. Zhang (张润铎), D. Shi, N. Liu, B. Chen*, L. Wu, L. Wu, W. Yang. Catalytic purification of acrylonitrile-containing exhaust gases from petrochemical industry by metal-doped mesoporous zeolites, Catal. Today, 258 (2015) 17-27. (IF=5.825)
34. R. Zhang (张润铎), B. Zhang, Z. Shi, N. Liu*, B. Chen, Catalytic behaviors of chloromethane combustion over the metal-modified ZSM-5 zeolites with diverse SiO2/Al2O3 ratios, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem., 398 (2015) 223-230. (IF=3.687)
35. C. Wang, J. Ma*, F. Liu, H. He, R. Zhang (张润铎), The effects of Mn2+ precursors on the structure and ozone decomposition activity of cryptomelane-type manganese oxide (OMS-2) catalysts, J. Phys. Chem. C, 119 (2015) 23119-23126. (IF=4.189)
36. B. Chen, R. Xu, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, N. Liu, Economical way to synthesize SSZ-13 with abundant ion-exchanged Cu+ for an extraordinary performance in selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx by ammonia, Environ. Sci. Technol., 48 (2014) 13909-13916. (IF=7.864)
37. R. Zhang (张润铎), P. Li, N. Liu, W. Yue, B. Chen*, Effect of hard-template residues of the nanocasted mesoporous LaFeO3 with extremely high surface areas on catalytic behaviors for methyl chloride oxidation, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2 (2014) 17329-17340. (IF=11.301) Cover Paper
38. W. Yue, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, N. Liu, B. Chen, Selective catalytic oxidation of ammonia to nitrogen over orderly mesoporous CuFe2O4 with high specific surface area, Chin. Sci. Bull., 59 (2014) 3980-3986. (IF=9.511)
39. R. Zhang (张润铎)*, N. Liu, Z. Luo, W. Yang, X. Liang, R. Xu, B. Chen, D. Duprez, S. Royer*, A remarkable catalyst combination to widen the operating temperature window of the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH3, ChemCatChem, 6 (2014) 2263-2269. (IF=4.853) Cover Paper
40. N. Liu, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, Y. Li, B. Chen, Local electric field effect of TMI (Fe, Co, Cu)-BEA on N2O direct dissociation, J. Phys. Chem. C, 118 (2014) 10944-10956. (IF=4.189)
41. R. Zhang (张润铎), D. Shi, N. Liu, Y. Cao, B. Chen*. Mesoporous SBA-15 promoted by 3d-transition metal and noble metal ions for selectively catalytic combustion of acetonitrile, Appl. Catal. B, 146 (2014) 79-93. (IF=16.683)
42. R. Zhang (张润铎), W. Yang, N. Luo, P. Li, Z. Lei, B. Chen*. Low-temperature NH3-SCR of NO by lanthanum manganite perovskites: effect of A-/B-site substitution and TiO2/CeO2 support, Appl. Catal. B, 146 (2014) 94-104. (IF=16.683)
43. W. Yang, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, B. Chen, N. Bion, D. Duprez, L. Hou, H. Zhang, S. Royer*. Design of nanocrystalline mixed oxides with improved oxygen mobility: a simple non-aqueous route to nano-LaFeO3 and the consequences on the catalytic oxidation performances, Chem. Commun., 49 (2013) 4923-4925. (IF=5.996)
44. R. Zhang (张润铎), P. Lei, N. Liu, W. Yang; X. Wang; B. Chen*. CO catalytic combustion over Co/Al2O3: influence of diverse textural properties of alumina supports on the related oxidation activities, Catal. Today, 216 (2013) 169-177. (IF=5.825)
45. R. Zhang (张润铎), N. Luo, W. Yang, N. Liu, B. Chen*. Low-temperature selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 using perovskite-type oxides as the novel catalysts, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem., 371 (2013) 86-93. (IF=3.687)
46. W. Yang, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, B. Chen, D. Duprez, S. Royer*. New aspects on mechanism of C3H6-SCR of NO in the presence of O2 over LaFe1-x(Cu, Pd)xO3-δ perovskites, Environ. Sci. Technol., 46 (2012) 11280-11288. (IF=7.864)
47. W. Yang, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, B. Chen, N. Bion, D. Duprez, S. Royer*. Activity of perovskite-type mixed-oxides for the low-temperature CO oxidation; Evidence of oxygen species participation from the solid, J. Catal., 295 (2012) 45-58. (IF=7.888) Top 25 Hottest Articles
48. N. Liu, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, B. Chen*, Y. Li, Y. Li. Comparative study on the direct decomposition of nitrous oxide over M (Fe, Co, Cu)-BEA zeolite, J. Catal., 294 (2012) 99-112. (IF=7.888)
49. X. Liu, Z. Yang, R. Zhang (张润铎), Q. Li, Y. Li*, Density functional thepry study of mechanism of N2O decomposition over Cu-ZSM-5 zeolites, J. Phys. Chem. C, 116 (2012) 20262-20268. (IF=4.189)
50. R. Zhang (张润铎), D. Shi, Y. Zhao, B. Chen*, J. Xue, X. Liang, Z. Lei, The reaction of NO + C3H6 + O2 over the mesoporous SBA-15 supported transition metal catalysts, Catal. Today, 175 (2011) 26-33. (IF=5.825)
51. B. Chen, N. Liu, X. Liu, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, Y. Li, Y. Li, X. Sun, Study on the direct decomposition of nitrous oxide over Fe-beta zeolites: from experiment to theory, Catal. Today, 175 (2011) 245-255. (IF=5.825)
52. N. Liu, B. Chen, Y. Li, R. Zhang (张润铎)*, X. Liang, Y. Li, Z. Lei. Charge transfer analysis on the direct decomposition of nitrous oxide over Fe-BEA zeolites: an experimental and density functional study, J. Phys. Chem. C, 115 (2011) 12883-12890. (IF=4.189)
53. J. Xiao, B. Chen, X. Liang*, R. Zhang (张润铎). Y. Li, NiO microspheres with tunable porosity and morphology effects for CO oxidation, Catal. Sci. Technol., 1 (2011), 999-1005. (IF=5.721)
54. R. Zhang (张润铎)*, W. Teoh, R. Amal, B. Chen, S. Kaliaguine*, Selective catalytic reduction of NO by CO over Cu/Ce1-xZrxO2 prepared by flame synthesis, J. Catal., 272 (2010) 210-219. (IF=7.888)
55. R. Zhang (张润铎)*, N. Luo, B. Chen* and S. Kaliaguine, Soot combustion over lanthanum cobaltites and related oxides for diesel exhaust treatment, Energ. Fuel., 24 (2010) 3719-3726. (IF=3.421)
56. Y. Wang, Z. Lei*, R. Zhang (张润铎), B. Chen, Adsorption of NO and N2O on Cu-BEA zeolite, J. Mol. Struc.: THEOCHEM, 957 (2010) 41-46. (IF=2.463)
57. Z. Tan, H. Xiao*, R. Zhang (张润铎), Z. Zhang, S. Kaliaguine, Potential to use mesoporous carbon as catalyst support for hydrodesulfurization, New Carbon Mater., 24 (2009) 333-343. (IF=1.761)
58. R. Zhang (张润铎), H. Alamdari, S. Kaliaguine*, SO2 poisoning of LaFe0.8Cu0.2O3 perovskite prepared by reactive grinding during NO reduction by C3H6, Appl. Catal. A: Gen., 341 (2008) 140-151. (IF=5.006)
59. R. Zhang* (张润铎), S. Kaliaguine, The lean reduction of NO by C3H6 over Ag/alumina derived from Al2O3, AlOOH and Al(OH)3, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 78 (2008) 275-287. (IF=16.683)
60. R. Zhang (张润铎), H. Alamdari, S. Kaliaguine*, Water vapor sensitivity of nanosized La(Co, Mn, Fe)1-x(Cu, Pd)xO3 perovskites during NO reduction by C3H6 in the presence of oxygen, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 72 (2007) 331-341. (IF=16.683)
61. R. Zhang (张润铎), H. Alamdari, S. Kaliaguine*, Catalytic conversion of NO and C3H6 over silver catalysts under stoichiometric or excess oxygen, Catal. Lett., 119 (2007) 108-119. (IF=2.482)
62. R. Zhang (张润铎), A. Villanueva, H. Alamdari, S. Kaliaguine*, Cu- and Pd- substituted nanoscale Fe-based perovskites for selective catalytic reduction of NO by propene, J. Catal., 237 (2006) 368-380. (IF= 7.888)
63. R. Zhang (张润铎), A. Villanueva, H. Alamdari, S. Kaliaguine*, Catalytic reduction of NO by propene over LaCo1-xCuxO3 perovskites synthesized by reactive grinding, Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 64 (2006) 220-233. (IF= 16.683)
64. R. Zhang (张润铎), A. Villanueva, H. Alamdari, S. Kaliaguine*, SCR of NO by propene over nanoscale LaMn1-xCuxO3 perovskites, Appl. Catal. A: Gen., 307 (2006) 85-97. (IF= 5.006)
65. R. Zhang (张润铎), A. Villanueva, H. Alamdari, S. Kaliaguine*, Reduction of NO by CO over nanoscale LaCo1-xCuxO3 perovskites, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem., 258 (2006) 22-34. (IF=3.687)
66. R. Zhang (张润铎), H. Alamdari, S. Kaliaguine*, Fe-based perovskites substituted by copper and palladium for NO + CO reaction, J. Catal., 242 (2006) 241-253. (IF=7.888)
67. R. Zhang (张润铎), H. He*, X. Shi, C. Zhang, B. He, J. Wang, Preparation and emission characteristics of ethanol-diesel fuel blends, J. Environ. Sci., 16 (2004) 793-796. (IF= 4.302)