
欢迎 刘茁 会员加入中国化学会
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男, 北京化工大学化学学院, 教授/研究员/教授级高工或同等级别


1998.09-2002.06, 北京化工大学, 理学院,工业分析, 本科;
2002.09-2007.06, 北京化工大学, 化工学院,化学工程, 博士;
2010.08-2011.09, 美国德州大学奥斯汀分校, 材料学院,博士后;
2014.07-2015.04, 加拿大西安大略大学, 材料学院, 访问学者;
2007.07-2008.12, 北京化工大学, 理学院, 讲师;
2009.01-2011.12, 北京化工大学, 理学院, 副教授;
2012.01-2019.03, 北京化工大学, 理学院, 教授;
2019.0-现在, 北京化工大学, 化学学院, 教授。




本课题组依托化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室的特色方向,围绕稀贵金属的高效利用和废弃资源高值回收研究方向,先后开展了非铂型石墨烯负载镍钴金属化合物和铋酸银作为碱性燃料电池的氧还原过程催化剂的研究,原子经济法回收铅酸电池和轮胎裂解炭黑的基础研究和工程化工作。相应的论文以第一作者或者通讯作者或者双通讯作者发表在Nature Commum., Adv. Energy Mat., Carbon, J. Power Sources和 Int. J. Hydrogen Energy等电化学和材料领域主流刊物发表SCI论文100余篇,积累了较丰富的燃料电池、储能电池和原子经济法绿色化工过程的研究经验。先后主持国家重点研发专项、国家工信部绿色制造项目、北京市省部级项目、企业项目等项目20多项,建成年产5000吨废铅酸电池回收电池级氧化铅(安徽池州),年产1000吨粗铅无氟电解精炼工艺(河南安阳),年产10000吨废玻璃钢+含氟废酸生产氟硅酸电解液(河南焦作)3项示范工程。授权中国发明专利46项,美国、欧洲等国际专利7项,已完成省部级鉴定2项、北京市科技成果转化金奖1项,侯德榜化工科学技术青年奖1项等。先后获得2019年度江西省千人计划;2017年度北京化工大学百人计划A类;2011年北京市青年英才计划;2009年北京市科技新星计划,全国百篇优秀博士论文提名;2008年北京市优秀博士学位论文获得者等荣誉称号。
(2)国家自然基金面上项目,项目编号: 21676022,项目名称:手性络合分子对含铅废渣的选择性浸出及其循环再生过程研究
(3)国家自然基金面上项目,项目编号: 21476022,项目名称:废铅膏在碱性介质中的原子经济催化转化及可控结晶制备PbO的研究


[1] Sedahmed Osman1, Raja Arumugam Senthil1, Junqing Pan*, Lulu Chai, Yanzhi Sun, Yufeng Wu. Hierarchically activated porous carbon derived from zinc-based fluorine containing metal-organic framework as extremely high specific capacitance and rate performance electrode material for advanced supercapacitors. J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 591 (2021) 9–19 (TOP)
[2] Xu Gang, Mohanapriya Krishnamoorthy, Wenchao Jiang, Junqing Pan*, Zhigang Pan, Xiaoguang Liu. A novel in-situ preparation of N-rich spherical porous carbon as greatly enhanced material for high-performance supercapacitors. Carbon 171 (2021) 62-71 (TOP)
[3] Lulu Chai1, Zhuoyi Hu1, Xian Wang, Linjie Zhang, Ting-Ting Li, Yue Hu, Junqing Pan*, Jinjie Qian*, Shaoming Huang. Fe7C3 nanoparticles with in situ grown CNT on nitrogen doped hollow carbon cube with greatly enhanced conductivity and ORR performance for alkaline fuel cell. Carbon 174 (2021) 531-539 (TOP)
[4] Xingyu Liu, Pingyuan Wang, Cuiping Chang, Yongmei Chen, Yanzhi Sun∗, Yang Tang, Pingyu Wan, Junqing Pan∗, A new hexagonal porous carbon nanoplate material derived from Al-based metal organic framework for high performance supercapacitors. Electrochimica Acta 371 (2021) 137826 (TOP)
[1] Abrar Khan , Raja Arumugam Senthil , Junqing Pan*, Sedahmed Osman , Yanzhi Sun, Xin Shu**. A new biomass derived rod-like porous carbon from tea-waste as inexpensive and sustainable energy material for advanced supercapacitor application. Electrochimica Acta 335 (2020) 135588 (TOP)
[3] Nana Liu, Mohanapriya K., Junqing Pan,* Yan Hu, Yanzhi Sun* and Xiaoguang Liu. A Facile Preparation of -MnO2 as Cathode Material for High-Performance Zinc-Manganese Redox Flow Battery. J. Electrochemical Society, 2020, 167, 040517 (TOP)
[4] Nana Liu, Raja Arumugam Senthil, Xuan Zhang, Junqing Pan*, Yanzhi Sun , Xiaoguang Liu. A green and cost-effective process for recovery of high purity a-PbO from spent lead acid batteries. J. Cleaner Production 267 (2020) 122107(TOP)
[5] Raja Arumugam Senthil, Abrar Khan, Junqing Pan*, Sedahmed Osman, Viengkham Yang, T. Rajesh Kumar, Yanzhi Sun, Xiaoguang Liu. A facile single-pot synthesis of visible-light-driven AgBr/Ag2CO3 composite as efficient photocatalytic material for water purification. Colloids and Surfaces A, 586 (2020) 124183 (SCI)
[6] Raja Arumugam Senthil, Sedahmed Osmana, Junqing Pan*, Abrar Khan, Viengkham Yang, T. Rajesh Kumar, Yanzhi Sun, Yanjun Lin*, Xiaoguang Liu, A. Manikandan. One-pot preparation of AgBr/α-Ag2WO4 composite with superior photocatalytic activity under visible-light irradiation. Colloids and Surfaces A, 586 (2020) 124079 (SCI, ESI高被引论文)
[7] T. Rajesh Kumar, Raja Arumugam Senthil, Zhigang Pan, Junqing Pan*, Yanzhi Sun. A tubular-like porous carbon derived from waste American poplar fruit as advanced electrode material for high-performance supercapacitor . J. Energy Storage 32 (2020) 101903 (SCI)
[8] Yajing Nie1, Junli Pan1, Wenchao Jiang, Junqing Pan*, Jianjun Liu, Yanzhi Sun, Xin Jin, Xiaoguang Liu, Xin Shu , Yanjun Lin. A facile preparation of Nickel Foam-supported Ni(OH)2 nano arrays via in-situ etching method with superior bendable electrochemical performance for wearable power supply. J. Alloys and Compounds 835 (2020) 155293(TOP)
[9] Abrar Khan, Raja Arumugam Senthil, Junqing Pan*, Yanzhi Sun, Xiaoguang Liu. Hierarchically porous biomass carbon derived from natural withered rose flowers as high performance material for advanced supercapacitors. Batteries & Supercaps 10.1002/batt.202000046, Batteries & supercaps, 3(2020)731-737(SCI)
[10] Viengkham Yang, Raja Arumugam Senthil, Junqing Pan*, T. Rajesh Kumar, Yanzhi Sun, Xiaoguang Liu, Hierarchical porous carbon derived from jujube fruits as sustainable and ultrahigh capacitance material for advanced supercapacitors. J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 579 (2020) 347–356 (TOP)
[11] Raja Arumugam Senthil, Junqing Pan*, Yali Wang, Sedahmed Osman, T. Rajesh Kumar, Yanzhi Sun. Phosphorus-doped CoS2 nanoparticles with greatly enhanced electrocatalytic performance as Pt-free catalyst for hydrogen evolution. Ionics, (2020) 26:6265–6275 (SCI)
[12] Xuan Zhang, Keqiang Ding*, Xiaojing Gao, Xiaomi Shi, Jingwei Han, Junqing Pan*. Solid octahedral NiO micro-particles prepared by a calcination method in the presence of an ionic liquid and their application as anode for lithium ion batteries. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 15 (2020) 1498 – 1508(SCI)
[1] Sedahmed Osman, Raja Arumugam Senthil, Junqing Pan*, Yanzhi Sun, A novel coral structured porous-like amorphous carbon derived from zinc based fluorinated metal-organic framework as superior cathode material for high performance supercapacitors. J. Power Sources 414 (2019) 401-411; (TOP)
[2] Wenchao Jiang, Junqing Pan∗, Xiaoguang Liu. A novel rod-like porous carbon with ordered hierarchical pore structure prepared from Al-based metal-organic framework without template as greatly enhanced performance for supercapacitor. J. Power Sources 409 (2019) 13-23; (TOP,ESI高被引论文)
[3] Wenchao Jiang, Jiaqi Cai, Junqing Pan*, et al. Nitrogen-doped hierarchically ellipsoidal porous carbon derived from Al-based metal-organic framework with enhanced specific capacitance and rate capability for high performance supercapacitor. J. Power Sources, 432 (2019) 102–111. (TOP)
[4] Wenchao Jiang1, Leyuan Li1, Junqing Pan*, Raja Arumugam Senthil, Xin Jin**, Jiaqi Cai, Jing Wang, Xiaoguang Liu. Hollow-tubular porous carbon derived from cotton with high productivity for enhanced performance supercapacitor. J. Power Sources 438 (2019) 226936 (TOP)
[5] Wenchao Jiang, Junqing Pan*, Jing Wang, Jiaqi Cai, Xu Gang, Xiaoguang Liu, Yanzhi Sun. A coin like porous carbon derived from Al-MOF with enhanced hierarchical structure for fast charging and super long cycle energy storage. Carbon, 154 (2019) 428-438 (TOP)
[6] Raja Arumugam Senthil, Yali Wang, Sedahmed Osman, Junqing Pan*, Yanjun Lin, Xin Shu, Xin Jin, Yanzhi Sun, A facile one-pot synthesis of microspherical-shaped CoS2 covered with CNT as enhanced efficiently non-platinum electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 44 (2019) 16537-16547 (TOP).
[7] Raja Arumugam Senthil, Sedahmed Osman, Junqing Pan*, Yanzhi Sun, T. Rajesh Kumar, A. Manikandan, A facile hydrothermal synthesis of visible-light responsive BiFeWO6/MoS2 composite as superior photocatalyst for degradation of organic pollutants, Ceramic International, 45(2019) 18683-18690 (TOP).
[8] Pingyuan Wang, Dongmei Chen, Junqing Pan*, Xun Zeng, Yanzhi Sun*, Yanjun Lin, Xin Shu, and Xin Jin. Wrinkled Reduced Graphene Oxide Supported Nano Ag4Bi2O5 Rods as Greatly Enhanced Catalyst for Zinc-air battery. J .Electrochem Soc., 166 (6) A968-A974 (2019). (TOP)
[9] Abrar Khan, Raja Arumugam Senthil, Junqing Pan*, Yanzhi Sun, A facile preparation of hierarchical β-Ni(OH)2@NiAl-LDHs nanosheets on 3D nickel foam as ultra high rate capability cathode without binder for Nickel based batteries. J .Electrochem Soc.,166(10) A2273-A2279(2019).(TOP)
[10] Raja Arumugam Senthil, Sedahmed Osman, Junqing Pan*, Meng Sun, Abrar Khan, Viengkham Yang, Yanzhi Sun*, A facile single-pot synthesis of WO3/AgCl composite with enhanced photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical performance under visible-light irradiation. Colloids and Surfaces A 567 (2019) 171–183 (SCI)
[11] Raja Arumugam Senthil, M. Sun, Junqing Pan*, Sedahmed Osman, Abrar Khan, Yanzhi Sun, Facile fabrication of a new BiFeWO6/α-AgVO3 composite with efficient visible-light photocatalytic activity for dye-degradation, Optical Materials 92 (2019) 284-293 (SCI)
[12] Xuan Zhang, Junqing Pan*, Yanzhi Sun, Yongjun Feng, Huixia Niu. An energy saving and fluorine-free electrorefining process for ultrahigh purity lead refining. Chin. J. Chem. Eng., 27 (2019),1191-1199(SCI)
[13] Yali Wang, Raja Arumugam Senthil, Junqing Pan*, Yanzhi Sun, Sedahmed Osman, Abrar Khan, Xiaoguang Liu. Facile construction of N doped Mo2C@CNT composites with 3D nanospherical structures as an efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction. Ionics, (2019) 25:4273–4283.(SCI)
[14] Xuan Zhang, Junqing Pan*, Yongjun Feng*, Yanjun Lin, Xin Shu, Xin Jin, Yanzhi Sun, Xiaoguang Liu. A New Green, Energy Saving and Pressing Refining Process for the recovery of Ultrahigh Purity Lead in Alkaline Solution from Spent Lead Plate Grids. Ionics, (2019) 25:3979–3990.(SCI)
[15] Lei Zhang, Raja Arumugam Senthil, Junqing Pan*, Abrar Khan, Xin Jin, Yanzhi Sun, A novel carbon nanotubes@porous carbon/sulfur composite as efficient electrode material for high performance lithium-sulfur battery, Ionics (2019) 25:4761–4773 (SCI)
[16] Jing Wang, Junqing Pan*, Xun Zeng, Guangshi Tang, Jiaqi Cai, Abrar Khan, Yanzhi Sun, Xiaoguang Liu. A Facile Preparation of Nano-Ag4Bi2O5/MnO2 on wrinkled rGO as Greatly Enhanced Ternary Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Alkaline Electrolyte, J. Solid State Electrochem., (2019) 23: 2737–2746. (SCI)
[17] Keqiang Ding*, Xiaojing Gao, Jingwei Han, Chenxue Li, Xiaomi Shi, Hui Wang, Hongmin Dou, Zhigang Guo, Yu Liu, Junqing Pan*. Using a Carbon Black for the Lead Powder Preparation from the Lead Paste by Calcination and Its Application as Positive Lead Plate for Lead Acid Battery, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 14 (2019) 516 – 530(SCI)
[18] Viengkham Yang, Raja Arumugam Senthil, Junqing Pan∗, Abrar Khan, Sedahmed Osman, Liren Wang*, Wenchao Jiang, Yanzhi Sun. Highly ordered hierarchical porous carbon derived from biomass waste mangosteen peel as superior cathode material for high performance supercapacitor, J. Electroanalytical Chemistry, 855 (2019) 113616.(SCI)
[19] Abrar Khan, Raja Arumugam Senthil, Junqing Pan*, A facile preparation of 3D flower-shaped Ni/Al-LDHs covered by β-Ni(OH)2 nanoplates as superior material for high power application. Chin. J. Chem. Eng., 27 (2019) 2526–2534. (SCI)
